Why Is It Crucial for Diabetic People to Care for Their Feet?

If you have diabetes or a family history of diabetes, you should take extra care of your feet. You might have heard that people who have diabetes are at a higher risk of losing their toes, feet or legs. Why is this so? Diabetes makes you lose the feeling in your feet. When this happens, you can't tell when you have a cut, sore, blister or callus. To make matters worse, diabetes reduces blood flow to your feet, which reduces healing time.

How Your Podiatrist Will Help You Deal with Plantar Fasciitis

Many people who run and exercise on a regular basis complain of heel pain from time to time. When the pain occurs occasionally, it can be attributed to the daily strain of the muscles during exercise. However, consistent pain that will not abet even when you try massage therapy and a change of sports shoes could mean that there is an underlying medical condition. One of the most severe of these conditions is plantar fasciitis.

All About Podiatrists and Foot Infections

From Athlete's foot through to bromodosis, podiatrists can help you fight your war against foot infections. While it's possible to treat some infections by yourself, others require professional attention. Such cases become particularly important when you have an underlying health condition. For example, diabetes. Knowing when a podiatrist can help you and whether to approach one will optimise your foot health. Smelly feet, aka bromodosis Bromodosis is the medical term for smelly feet, which can arise for a number of reasons.

Tips For Managing Foot Pain From Arthritis

If you have arthritis, you likely experience pain in your feet from inflammation and swelling. While there isn't a cure for arthritis in the feet or other areas of your body, there are some ways you can treat it. This allows you to reduce your pain and discomfort, helping you live a normal life. Here are some tips for reducing the foot pain caused by arthritis. Wear Supportive Shoes As far as daily reduction of arthritis pain goes, it often requires you to wear shoes that offer more support.

Symptoms of Foot Ailments You Should Not Ignore

A podiatrist is a medical professional that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of ailments relating to the foot. Some of these ailments may be minor whereas others may require surgical treatment to remedy them. Your feet are one of the most overworked parts of your body as they bear the brunt of your weight every single day. However, people tend to ignore foot problems if they are not suffering from excruciating pain due to them.