Why Diabetic People Should Seek Professional Treatment For Corns

If you live with type I or type II diabetes, you probably already know that taking care of your foot health is vitally important. The nerve and circulation problems that diabetes can cause make your extremities, including your feet, more vulnerable to injuries and illness than those of non-diabetic people. Many diabetic people suffer from corns on their feet. While corns do not pose any immediate danger to your health, they can cause serious complications if they worsen or go untreated for a long time.

How Shock-Wave Therapy Could Improve Your Mornings

Many people feel a sharp pain in the bottom of their heel when they touch the floor for the first time in the morning, and this is a sign of a condition known as plantar fasciitis. If this sounds all too familiar, you may not be aware of a special 'shockwave' therapy that can now relieve the symptoms and help improve your quality of life. What is involved in shockwave therapy treatment and is it right for you?