Tips For Managing Foot Pain From Arthritis

If you have arthritis, you likely experience pain in your feet from inflammation and swelling. While there isn't a cure for arthritis in the feet or other areas of your body, there are some ways you can treat it. This allows you to reduce your pain and discomfort, helping you live a normal life. Here are some tips for reducing the foot pain caused by arthritis. Wear Supportive Shoes As far as daily reduction of arthritis pain goes, it often requires you to wear shoes that offer more support.

Symptoms of Foot Ailments You Should Not Ignore

A podiatrist is a medical professional that specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of ailments relating to the foot. Some of these ailments may be minor whereas others may require surgical treatment to remedy them. Your feet are one of the most overworked parts of your body as they bear the brunt of your weight every single day. However, people tend to ignore foot problems if they are not suffering from excruciating pain due to them.

Plantar Fasciitis and Hospitality Work: How to Keep Your Feet Pain-Free

If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, one of the first pieces of advice you'll come across is to rest. Limiting activities that cause stress on the foot, like walking and standing, can definitely help. Unfortunately, if you work in hospitality and you spend your day on your feet serving customers, you're probably not in a position to take time to rest. What else can you do? Orthotics Orthotics are in-sole inserts that keep the arches your feet in the right position and protect your plantar fascia (the ligament that connects your heel bone to your toes) from overstretching.

What to Do to Manage Plantar fasciitis

If you suffer from sore feet in the morning and even dread taking those first steps, you may have plantar fasciitis. Increasing your awareness of the causes and treatment of this condition can help you to find some relief.  Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of foot pain Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common forms of foot pain, especially if you over 50, although it can affect younger people who spend a lot of time on their feet.

How People with Flat Feet Can Still Wear High Heels

People with flat feet have fallen arches, meaning that their feet have lost the natural curve along their inner sides. Flat feet can be easily treated with the use of a slip-in orthotic, but this will limit the choices that people have when picking out shoes; in particular, many will find that high heels are quite painful to use, especially since they won't fit with most medical insoles. This means you need to be careful, but it doesn't mean that you need to give up on heels altogether.